Friday, November 25, 2011

About Publication

You know something funny? As passionate as I've always been about writing, I ever imagined that I actually would get published. I'd hoped for it, of course, but I'd never let my hopes get up that high because it's such a tough market and so many publishers seem to be so selective about the manuscripts they take on. I've always thought my writing was too controversial, too out-there, too genre-bending, because they never just stick to one subject. They push boundaries, they touch on taboo subjects, and they're just generally complex. Too complex most of the time.

Now that two of them are getting published - the two that mean the most to me - it's surreal that they're actually going to be out there, for anyone to read. It's what I've wanted since I was a little guy, but I always thought it was one of those pipe dreams that never came true when it came down to it. Here I am, though, getting published. I've got the cover art done for one manuscript and the core editing done on it too. I can't stop staring at the cover because it's so beautiful and so perfect. It's in the Coming Soon section of the publishing website. It's just... so surreal, thinking that, you know what, I finally did it. I accomplished one of my biggest dreams.

I am a published author.